Thank you, Sister Hilton, for this insightful article. I have been trying for years to remove the clutter from my life so I could focus on spending more time with my wife, children, friends, and neighbors. My realization that I was a slave to my possessions came years ago when I decided I needed to dust a shelf full of knickknacks in my bedroom. 45 minutes later, I realized I had spent 3/4 of an hour dusting things that I never even looked at unless they needed to be cleaned. That was time I could have spent playing ball with my young children or doing something else to build relationships. I packed those items into a box and hauled them off to Deseret Industries. I'm still trying to remove the unnecessary clutter from my life and this article reminded me of that resolve.
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HalAugust 2, 2018
Thank you, Sister Hilton, for this insightful article. I have been trying for years to remove the clutter from my life so I could focus on spending more time with my wife, children, friends, and neighbors. My realization that I was a slave to my possessions came years ago when I decided I needed to dust a shelf full of knickknacks in my bedroom. 45 minutes later, I realized I had spent 3/4 of an hour dusting things that I never even looked at unless they needed to be cleaned. That was time I could have spent playing ball with my young children or doing something else to build relationships. I packed those items into a box and hauled them off to Deseret Industries. I'm still trying to remove the unnecessary clutter from my life and this article reminded me of that resolve.