This article seems even more pertinent today! So cool to read this over two years later and see where we are at now and how important and applicable the teachings and commandments of our prophets are.
Just wow. Very sobering as well.
Bob SApril 9, 2018
I'm not exactly sure that the announcements in this conference qualify as such a drastic-sounding event as "the end of the Law of Moses". That was quite a shift in thinking for the Jews. For the announcements, among those I know, most regard it as a good direction, and not particularly shocking. Of course there are the jokes about both home and visiting teaching, and the high priest/elder, but the "shocker" just doesn't seem to be there -- at least in my eyes.
One remarkable thing of note is that the elders and high priests will gather together in one body and there won't be any schisms -- at least among those I know -- as there might have been in earlier days (look up the history of the quorums of the seventy in the commentary on their reinstatement in the 1970s).
Sorry if this is a downer.
Bob TaylorApril 7, 2018
I understand and agree with what you have said, but would like to add - the Law of Moses was done away with by the Savior in the Meridian of Time - these recent changes are, as some have stated, a renewed invitation for us to raise the bar, in all that we do.
Mark RobinsonApril 6, 2018
The Home Teaching and Visiting Teaching programs have been moving this direction for a long time. The point finally came when the Prophet was inspired to make a clean break with our old habits which too many of us have clung to for too long. So there is no longer "home" or "visiting" teaching, but ministering. It is what we have been directed towards for decades--hopefully, we will all catch the vision and become what we were intended to be for all this time.
Evelyn GalbraithApril 5, 2018
This is what I heard.
In other words,
Help us usher in the era of Consecration: Minister to each other whomever, wherever and however.
If it’s not all holy, then none of it is.
It’s all holy.
There are no words.
Live. Life. Deliberately.
Consecrate it all.
Officially, even.
How could they have said it more clearly?
Michael BrayApril 4, 2018
Great description of the amazing and inspired changes announced by President Nelson as another reminder of my call to a higher law. These were not changes just for the sake of change, but are inspired guidance from a prophet of God. I am grateful for the Church of Jesus Christ on the earth in these latter days.
J JamisonApril 4, 2018
The overwhelming thought at Saturday sessions occurred was repeated: "The Lord is hastening His work" Me: The Second Coming is speedily approaching...
When I think of Ministering, I think of my husband as a Home Teacher. At the time he was able to take a mother with 7 children to Lagoon. He cared for some while she took the children on rides. The process reversed and he cared for the other children, and she took the others on rides appropriate for their ages. She was in the throws of divorce and had free tickets to Lagoon. She would not have been able to provide a fun activity for her children if he hadn't stepped up to the plate to help.
In today's world he could not do that because of sinister allegations. He, in his purity of thought and goodness of heart, took action which was much needed. I could tell of many times he took time with families. Taught sons to mow lawns, gather weeds, straighten edges, fix fences, etc.
We have been given counsel to open our eyes and hearts to step up to the plate and see needs of families, and fulfill them. Not a new concept, but the invitation is renewed to become more aware and act on needs. Of course we need to take precaution for the safety of the giver and taker of kindness....But what a wonderful place this will be when we are pure and good...known for our works, and trusted.
I hope we, as a people, will take action. So many have been desensitized. This is grand counsel to open our eyes and hearts, and feel the impact of following the Savior and do as He would do. Let us understand.
OlivettaApril 3, 2018
Yes, great article here. Well said Kenny. There are changes over the years, even in the temple ceremony in my lifetime. I think the changes are great and I'm thrilled with seven temples announced. I love where our tithing is making a difference in the world Church.
Nancy WellsApril 3, 2018
Thank you for your great insite! The time is right for greater Gospel maturity and we are seeing the push for that in all of these changes. Some will kick against the pricks and some will embrace the new changes. Hopefully, all of our brothers and sisters, including myself, will eventually come to the full measure Heavenly Father and His Son expect of us.
Kenny MazzantiApril 2, 2018
The Gospel is always true. The Church organization grows and develops over time and under inspiration to the Prophet. We used to call our monthly visits "Ward Teaching", and had a nice tear out message to leave behind. Home Teachers had monthly reports that documented a report on each member of every family that went to the Bishop and Stake President. Attendance was noted and "Aaronic Priesthood Awards" were earned based on attendance, service and worthiness. My grandfather was ordained a Seventy because he was a Stake Missionary. We have had "assistants to the 12", "Regional representatives", etc. Sisters used to anoint and bless the sick and women going into labor. The Church organization evolves and develops according to the direction of the Savior and the needs of the people. This is not the work of mankind. This is The Church of Jesus Christ.
AshleyApril 2, 2018
This is so powerful. What a way to look at this Conference and the changes that were made. Thank you for sharing!
JeffApril 2, 2018
It was an amazing Conference. Not only did we see clearly the mantle of the Prophet pass to President Nelson but you could sense the urgency and power of his message; that we must all develop the ability to receive our own revelation directly from the Lord so that the Saints can withstand the buffeting winds of the adversary that will increase in intensity.
Robert StarlingApril 2, 2018
Agreed. I especially like the comparison to the "training wheels" that the highly-structured Church organization has provided us. Surely these things have been a "schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ". The day will come when the people of Christ will live and worship in families, not wards under the Patriarchal Order. As the New Testament says, the Old Law of organizational crutches were given to the Saints to be used only "until we all come to a unity of the faith". Hopefully these organizational changes indicate that we are getting closer to that goal of spiritual maturity, both individually and as a people.
JasonApril 2, 2018
I had all those exact same feelings and conversations. It truly is a time for a consecrated approach to the Saviors way of ministering to one another. Line upon line teaching for us. More yet to come.
Chris HowellApril 2, 2018
You have taken what was said and painted the picture of what we're to become. Thank you.
Herm OlsenApril 2, 2018
Great thoughts on a beautiful Conference. Thanks for the powerful summary
LoriApril 1, 2018
Great thoughts. Well said. We are truly in the winding up scenes of the last days.
Comments | Return to Story
Marie GSeptember 16, 2020
This article seems even more pertinent today! So cool to read this over two years later and see where we are at now and how important and applicable the teachings and commandments of our prophets are. Just wow. Very sobering as well.
Bob SApril 9, 2018
I'm not exactly sure that the announcements in this conference qualify as such a drastic-sounding event as "the end of the Law of Moses". That was quite a shift in thinking for the Jews. For the announcements, among those I know, most regard it as a good direction, and not particularly shocking. Of course there are the jokes about both home and visiting teaching, and the high priest/elder, but the "shocker" just doesn't seem to be there -- at least in my eyes. One remarkable thing of note is that the elders and high priests will gather together in one body and there won't be any schisms -- at least among those I know -- as there might have been in earlier days (look up the history of the quorums of the seventy in the commentary on their reinstatement in the 1970s). Sorry if this is a downer.
Bob TaylorApril 7, 2018
I understand and agree with what you have said, but would like to add - the Law of Moses was done away with by the Savior in the Meridian of Time - these recent changes are, as some have stated, a renewed invitation for us to raise the bar, in all that we do.
Mark RobinsonApril 6, 2018
The Home Teaching and Visiting Teaching programs have been moving this direction for a long time. The point finally came when the Prophet was inspired to make a clean break with our old habits which too many of us have clung to for too long. So there is no longer "home" or "visiting" teaching, but ministering. It is what we have been directed towards for decades--hopefully, we will all catch the vision and become what we were intended to be for all this time.
Evelyn GalbraithApril 5, 2018
This is what I heard. Or, In other words, Help us usher in the era of Consecration: Minister to each other whomever, wherever and however. If it’s not all holy, then none of it is. It’s all holy. There are no words. Live. Life. Deliberately. Consecrate it all. Officially, even. How could they have said it more clearly?
Michael BrayApril 4, 2018
Great description of the amazing and inspired changes announced by President Nelson as another reminder of my call to a higher law. These were not changes just for the sake of change, but are inspired guidance from a prophet of God. I am grateful for the Church of Jesus Christ on the earth in these latter days.
J JamisonApril 4, 2018
The overwhelming thought at Saturday sessions occurred was repeated: "The Lord is hastening His work" Me: The Second Coming is speedily approaching...
When I think of Ministering, I think of my husband as a Home Teacher. At the time he was able to take a mother with 7 children to Lagoon. He cared for some while she took the children on rides. The process reversed and he cared for the other children, and she took the others on rides appropriate for their ages. She was in the throws of divorce and had free tickets to Lagoon. She would not have been able to provide a fun activity for her children if he hadn't stepped up to the plate to help. In today's world he could not do that because of sinister allegations. He, in his purity of thought and goodness of heart, took action which was much needed. I could tell of many times he took time with families. Taught sons to mow lawns, gather weeds, straighten edges, fix fences, etc. We have been given counsel to open our eyes and hearts to step up to the plate and see needs of families, and fulfill them. Not a new concept, but the invitation is renewed to become more aware and act on needs. Of course we need to take precaution for the safety of the giver and taker of kindness....But what a wonderful place this will be when we are pure and good...known for our works, and trusted. I hope we, as a people, will take action. So many have been desensitized. This is grand counsel to open our eyes and hearts, and feel the impact of following the Savior and do as He would do. Let us understand.
OlivettaApril 3, 2018
Yes, great article here. Well said Kenny. There are changes over the years, even in the temple ceremony in my lifetime. I think the changes are great and I'm thrilled with seven temples announced. I love where our tithing is making a difference in the world Church.
Nancy WellsApril 3, 2018
Thank you for your great insite! The time is right for greater Gospel maturity and we are seeing the push for that in all of these changes. Some will kick against the pricks and some will embrace the new changes. Hopefully, all of our brothers and sisters, including myself, will eventually come to the full measure Heavenly Father and His Son expect of us.
Kenny MazzantiApril 2, 2018
The Gospel is always true. The Church organization grows and develops over time and under inspiration to the Prophet. We used to call our monthly visits "Ward Teaching", and had a nice tear out message to leave behind. Home Teachers had monthly reports that documented a report on each member of every family that went to the Bishop and Stake President. Attendance was noted and "Aaronic Priesthood Awards" were earned based on attendance, service and worthiness. My grandfather was ordained a Seventy because he was a Stake Missionary. We have had "assistants to the 12", "Regional representatives", etc. Sisters used to anoint and bless the sick and women going into labor. The Church organization evolves and develops according to the direction of the Savior and the needs of the people. This is not the work of mankind. This is The Church of Jesus Christ.
AshleyApril 2, 2018
This is so powerful. What a way to look at this Conference and the changes that were made. Thank you for sharing!
JeffApril 2, 2018
It was an amazing Conference. Not only did we see clearly the mantle of the Prophet pass to President Nelson but you could sense the urgency and power of his message; that we must all develop the ability to receive our own revelation directly from the Lord so that the Saints can withstand the buffeting winds of the adversary that will increase in intensity.
Robert StarlingApril 2, 2018
Agreed. I especially like the comparison to the "training wheels" that the highly-structured Church organization has provided us. Surely these things have been a "schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ". The day will come when the people of Christ will live and worship in families, not wards under the Patriarchal Order. As the New Testament says, the Old Law of organizational crutches were given to the Saints to be used only "until we all come to a unity of the faith". Hopefully these organizational changes indicate that we are getting closer to that goal of spiritual maturity, both individually and as a people.
JasonApril 2, 2018
I had all those exact same feelings and conversations. It truly is a time for a consecrated approach to the Saviors way of ministering to one another. Line upon line teaching for us. More yet to come.
Chris HowellApril 2, 2018
You have taken what was said and painted the picture of what we're to become. Thank you.
Herm OlsenApril 2, 2018
Great thoughts on a beautiful Conference. Thanks for the powerful summary
LoriApril 1, 2018
Great thoughts. Well said. We are truly in the winding up scenes of the last days.