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February 13, 2025

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JAAugust 4, 2017

I had a similar experience before marrying my husband. I didn't want the jealousy I was feeling for his past girlfriend to ruin our relationship so I prayed really hard the Lord would help me overcome my jealousy. One night, a few months after we married, she called. This was years ago before cell phones or call waiting to let you know who was calling, yet I knew it was her the second the phone rang before my husband answered the phone. I said to him as he picked up the phone "It's (such and such)". I was right and I then told him to invite her over. She was still hurting deep down from their break up and I knew it. That night the three of us laughed and talked till 1:00am and by the end of that night I was no longer jealous of her, we became friends and healing started for both of us. God bless you to help you overcome your jealousy as jealousy destroys love. All I can tell you is, nearly 30 years later, the most important thing you can ever do in your marriage is just LOVE your man...the good and bad and to FORGIVE. God bless



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