Not one mention of the Ordinance of the Sacrament' and Renewing Our Baptismal Covenant when partaking of the sacrament worthily. Without such, an article like this is too hard hitting and without hope.
SallyJuly 14, 2017
Thank you for writing this article. It explains so clearly how this plan all works. I have always thought that there was something wrong with me because I strive everyday to be a true disciple if Christ and yet I knew I wasn't good enough because I wan't perfected yet.
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Robert WhittakerJuly 14, 2017
Not one mention of the Ordinance of the Sacrament' and Renewing Our Baptismal Covenant when partaking of the sacrament worthily. Without such, an article like this is too hard hitting and without hope.
SallyJuly 14, 2017
Darla, Thank you for writing this article. It explains so clearly how this plan all works. I have always thought that there was something wrong with me because I strive everyday to be a true disciple if Christ and yet I knew I wasn't good enough because I wan't perfected yet.