I didn't know the dress code included keeping suit jackets on all the time. Reminds me of my mission in Taiwan. Elder Jacob de Jager was our area authority. He would gaze over a room full of missionaries in shirt sleeves and say "Elders, you see I am wearing my suit jacket?" We would nod, knowing what was coming next. Elder de Jager would smile and say "I take it off." Loved that man!
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HalJune 29, 2017
I didn't know the dress code included keeping suit jackets on all the time. Reminds me of my mission in Taiwan. Elder Jacob de Jager was our area authority. He would gaze over a room full of missionaries in shirt sleeves and say "Elders, you see I am wearing my suit jacket?" We would nod, knowing what was coming next. Elder de Jager would smile and say "I take it off." Loved that man!