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November 1, 2024

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AnonymousMay 26, 2017

I agree....Such as dealing a true narcissistic personality disorder which means competition and alienation were/ are the family's coping traditions.... still members of the church but it feels like emotional abuse/ neglect and martyrdom can only go so far in loving this spouse. I wish the Priesthood (in my case) would be more emphatic in their judgements and much less tolerant of this behavior that goes on behind closed doors. My bishops have been at a loss and the LDS counseling has been sub-par because of the STAY MARRIED one has addressed the PTSD of the spouses that picks up the pieces...and I love the SAvior and BELIEVE HIM, have read Hugh Nibley, and Neal A maxwell's books, attended Matt Townsend seminar nd have felt the spirit but sometimes the burden is too much....

JaimeMay 26, 2017

While I appreciate what the authors are trying to do, my situation, and that of many of my friends, is one of finding yourself married to a severely mentally ill person. If you have advice on coping with that, I would love to hear it.



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