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February 15, 2025

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Ana BlakeMay 2, 2017

Loved this. And because my son is currently serving a mission in Barcelona and lives RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO la Sagrada, it was even more interesting. (I just emailed him to send me more pictures!)

Mariah ProctorMay 2, 2017

@Jewelfox: I haven't, but I looked it up and it sounds like us. :) Thank you to the rest of you for your kind comments. I appreciate hearing from you.

Joy LundbergMay 1, 2017

Mariah, you are so wise, beyond your years. This article is absolute proof! Thanks for sharing this adventure and insight to creating a happy marriage. So fun to read!

Marie FletcherApril 29, 2017

Memories of Espana. The momumeny to Christopher Columbus is at Barcelona. I have a photo of my adventurous hubby sitting astride ont of the brass lions at the base of it. As I looked at that photo I saw a picture of our life together. My dashing man riding a lion, I afraid of man or beast and me? Holding fast to the tail for dear life! May you enjoy your life together as much as we have for going on 60 years this June.

JewelfoxApril 29, 2017

Just out of curiosity, have you ever played Entwined?

Rosemary EvansApril 28, 2017

I loved this article by the talented and wise Mariah Proctor Scoresby. It was written so beautifully I felt I was with them on their journey. There is so much to learn from this article about relationships and attitude.

BrendaApril 28, 2017

Your writing made me want to take the same chances at exploring new vistas in love and marriage. We've been married 42 years. Creating our 3 year plan Sunday (retirement is on the horizon), we decided to call it the 3 R's. Retirement, Release (he is presently serving as Bishop) and Reinvent! And with that criteria we wrote specifics as goals. Can't wait! The best is yet to come !

Bonnie CaldwellApril 28, 2017

You are truly an amazing writer, Mariah!! I loved the article and loved the message for every marriage!

S LindsayApril 28, 2017

What a beautifully framed post! I love the metaphor and the details and the motivation to reach out more for my husband's perspective. Thank you Mariah! And congratulations on your graduation!!



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