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January 24, 2025

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Michael G.March 29, 2017

I echo Steve's and Gary's comments. I often wish I could be as physically closed off as my wife. We've been married 21 years and I still can't figure out how to get her want me. Maybe we need the miracle herb that Tammi mentioned.

BryanMarch 25, 2017

I'm with ya, Steve. I wonder if a man would be able to build a career out of coaching women on how to stroke their husbands so that they'd do more housework. I think the very idea would irk a hefty percentage of women.

TammiMarch 23, 2017

There’s a large percentage of women who do not like sex – I know most of my female friends have a difficult time with it. I certainly did for 35 years until I found an herb that grows high in the Andes called maca. Maca belongs to the cruciferous family and it is also full of iodine. It helps to balance out your hormones – both men and women. It took about 8 months of everyday drinking maca with the raw cacao drink I make for both my husband and I but this powder has made me into a nicer person for my husband. It is an aphrodisiac that has helped me so much that now sometimes my husband can’t keep up with me. It has greatly blessed our marriage. You may not be able to print this but this has been a godsend to us. If you are interested I can give you the recipe that we enjoy every day. I don’t understand what caused me to recoil from my husband’s advances. I find it a mystery. I wish I had known about this before. Do not buy the maca that comes from China as it is full of toxins. Look for Peruvian ORGANIC maca and I prefer to buy it online rather than at the health food store. It can be expensive.

GaryMarch 23, 2017

I agree with both comments by Steve and Mike M. My first marriage ended due to these same issues. I have worked through them and have remarried. I have found out from my second wife that it wasn't necessarily me and the way I communicated to her. I found out that she too likes to share intimacy to show love to each other. She even tells me how much this intimacy makes our bond that much stronger. In our LDS environment of not being able to "kick the tires" or "test drive the car before buying", we do indeed take a chance on knowing how our spouse will really treat us when it comes to sexual intimacy. You can talk all you want prior to marriage about it; however, until it happens one really never knows. This issue definitely was a very large factor in the demise of our marriage. It caused all kinds of UNNEEDED consternation like "Does she love me?" thoughts and "Is she having an affair?" thoughts. Looking back, there simply was nothing else I could have done to save our marriage. It was a horrible experience I don't wish on anyone.

name withheldMarch 23, 2017

I knew that I would marry my husband the moment I saw him, but didn't know what I was headed for. It took me 30 or our 35 years to find out that he had undiagosed Asperger's Syndrome, and I had none of the above at all. Very painful experience. I look forward to the Millenium when he will be normal; he is in the spirit world healing. No intimate conversation, and nothing intimate in the physical area- all a horrible experience.

SteveMarch 23, 2017

Why is it always a mans responsibility to understand his wife's needs. There is very little conversation about a wife's responsibility to do anything but demand her husband do things to make her happy. If he dosnt, she shuts off the affection. It is no wonder many single men are choosing to stay single

Mike M.March 23, 2017

My bride-to-be talked and texted for a few hours every day for almost 3 weeks during our courtship, including about our attitudes about our sexual relationship. Any couple who doesn't discuss their attitudes about sex before getting married is making a big mistake.



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