An Amazing Story from 9-11 You Probably Haven’t Heard
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Comments | Return to Story
Debbie McClureMarch 9, 2017
Thank you for this story. It is an example of Christ like love. What joy to read of this kind of love and know that it is entirely possible for ANY of us to emulate Christ like love and service.
Bob PowelsonMarch 9, 2017
In Canada we call the Newfoundlanders "Newfies". Until recent years life in Newfoundland was pretty hardscrabble. They finally joined us in 1949 and added to this country a wonderful people full honest biblical Charity. I have known a number over the years and their kindess to people who come from away.
Elizabeth N.March 9, 2017
There is a wonderful book which tells the story of what happened in Gander called The Day the World Came to Town: 9/11 in Gander, Newfoundland by Jim DeFede.
Patti W.March 8, 2017
For the full story, there is a book called The Day the World Came to Gander. It is so inspiring to read how compassionate, unselfish and yes, even Christ-like all the people there were to the stranded passengers.
Leonie GoodwinMarch 8, 2017
What an incredible story. Despite the tragedy of 9/11 we must never forget that despite the evil in the world, there are always good people out there, willing to help others. This of course went above and beyond.
Sheila WebsterMarch 8, 2017
Thank you for this beautiful story and a lesson that we all can learn from. We can all be a brother or sister to another person, no matter what the circumstances. I'm sure that these people will be friends for life.
CarolMarch 8, 2017
Good can come from evil, we just have to make it happen!
Cynthia DeckerMarch 8, 2017
THANK you for posting this story. It moved me and sometimes that's hard to do.