I was a Institute Director for the most part of 30 years and very early on taught that there is no such thing as a coincidence as define by the world. God's plan for each of us is perfect. Even though we use our agency and He does not make us do anything . He was able to design our plans to interact in a perfect way because his knowledge of past, present and "future." His powers and perfection is way beyond our comprehension.
Larry HattonFebruary 9, 2017
You are familiar with Albert Einstein's quote, "Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous." , right?
TodFebruary 9, 2017
The right article at the right time in my life, coincidence? I think not.
Thank you for opening my eyes again.
DebrahFebruary 9, 2017
There are nocoincidences. One crazy thing I have found is on occassion I have lost Something. Take last week, for example. I needed a trip to.the dentist and I neded my dental card for the niversity hospital where I teach. I loked high and low for the card. I was supposed tgo be there at 8:00 and arrived, without a card, an hour later. I had to take a later appointment. I ran some errands and returned. I got in, got the tooth fixed and left. Ad I walked out i saw a student who I had made friends witn walk in. We had met her with a group of student on the subway going home from Church Christmas day. We had invted them to the house for dinner, made an "ox in the mire" Sunday food rmun and provided a fun Chirstmas dinner for a group of students far, far from hime and who now called mt mom.
The student looked worried. I stopped t talk. The same thing that had hapened tme when I wqs a student almost 50 years before had happened to her. I had also ge tthe school doctor unsure of what to do. A girl's body goes through a lot of changes in those weqrly adult years and far frim hme and not konwing it can be scary. I assured her that she wld be ok and invited her to find a few friends for Sunday dinne as it was Spring Featival in China where we live. As we parted ways and again as we ate dinner i realized that the missing card was no accident. I needed to meet the girl who needed a mother's attention when she was far from her mom.
i believe there are no coincidences and the we are open to them and grateful for them, the more we will have them.
Comments | Return to Story
Ray A JordanFebruary 9, 2017
I was a Institute Director for the most part of 30 years and very early on taught that there is no such thing as a coincidence as define by the world. God's plan for each of us is perfect. Even though we use our agency and He does not make us do anything . He was able to design our plans to interact in a perfect way because his knowledge of past, present and "future." His powers and perfection is way beyond our comprehension.
Larry HattonFebruary 9, 2017
You are familiar with Albert Einstein's quote, "Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous." , right?
TodFebruary 9, 2017
The right article at the right time in my life, coincidence? I think not. Thank you for opening my eyes again.
DebrahFebruary 9, 2017
There are nocoincidences. One crazy thing I have found is on occassion I have lost Something. Take last week, for example. I needed a trip to.the dentist and I neded my dental card for the niversity hospital where I teach. I loked high and low for the card. I was supposed tgo be there at 8:00 and arrived, without a card, an hour later. I had to take a later appointment. I ran some errands and returned. I got in, got the tooth fixed and left. Ad I walked out i saw a student who I had made friends witn walk in. We had met her with a group of student on the subway going home from Church Christmas day. We had invted them to the house for dinner, made an "ox in the mire" Sunday food rmun and provided a fun Chirstmas dinner for a group of students far, far from hime and who now called mt mom. The student looked worried. I stopped t talk. The same thing that had hapened tme when I wqs a student almost 50 years before had happened to her. I had also ge tthe school doctor unsure of what to do. A girl's body goes through a lot of changes in those weqrly adult years and far frim hme and not konwing it can be scary. I assured her that she wld be ok and invited her to find a few friends for Sunday dinne as it was Spring Featival in China where we live. As we parted ways and again as we ate dinner i realized that the missing card was no accident. I needed to meet the girl who needed a mother's attention when she was far from her mom. i believe there are no coincidences and the we are open to them and grateful for them, the more we will have them.