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February 10, 2025

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John NicholsonFebruary 6, 2017

If we are not careful and come to an agreement with both sides of the political spectrum, we will be rushing headlong into anarchy!!!

ColinFebruary 6, 2017

It's easier for the National Review to forget history when trying to make a political point. Pres. Obama's time in office came with effigies of him hanging from nooses in kentucky, Washington, and Maine, for starters. After Pres. Obama's election win, there was rioting at least in Pennsylvania, Texas, Mississippi, and North California. A black church was burned in Massachusetts. People were sucker-punched and roughed up violently in Trump rallies during the campaign. Candidate Trump called for a "revolution" (his word) when Obama was re-elected in 2012. Hate crimes against minorities were committed by Trump supporters all over the U.S. after they felt emboldened by the results of the election. Memory is short, especially when we filter it to support our preexisting views.

EadgythFebruary 6, 2017

Bjorn would you care to list the incidents where radical right wing people attacked the left? and when they right burned and looted? which university did they burn? when did the right call for martial law?

Junk BinFebruary 6, 2017

the liberal progressive movement is neither liberal or progressive. It is actually fascism and is lethal. Free speech? Oh spare me. If you do not kowtow their the mantra, you are going to get beat into the ground and your property destroyed.

GaryFebruary 6, 2017

Bjorn, I agree with you that we ALL should have a peaceful dialogue. However, I Googled and searched on You Tube for "right-wing protests". Funny I couldn't find any. I did find one video where a "right-wing" protest was confronted by leftist protesters that turned somewhat confrontational. I wouldn't attribute that to "radical-right thugs" however. Only the opposite I found to be true. My point is the left has been much worse. Why is it that the left has been so radicalized to violent, unlawful behavior? I also see the deluge of radical-left behavior on social media. Yes, please call for a peaceful dialogue indeed.

Michael ColemanFebruary 6, 2017

The war that started in heaven continues on earth...

BjornFebruary 6, 2017

This is a tough issue. Violence in a protest is wrong. Police violence has been the issue I have been concerned about having been sprayed with CS gas by police during protest marches and having watched others who didn't run (as I did) being struck and dragged and arrested by police. I have also participated in peaceful protests in which the police were exemplary. I am profoundly disgusted with the white supremacist discussion in Brietbart "news." But I agree that those of the radical right, that all in our land, have a right to free speech. It is interesting that this article only cites this one event. During the last presidential campaign, radical right thugs commited violence on peaceful protesters who opposed their darling, President Trump. I think the issue is how can we ALL have a peaceful dialogue to work to to talk together to find common ground.



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