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“The Constitution ‘Hangs by a Brittle Thread’” and What Can Be Done About It! (Part 2)
The Constitution is “hang[ing] by a brittle thread,” but there are two major fronts on which increased constitutional literacy can take place: 1. Public Education; and 2. Education in the Home.
“The Constitution Hangs by a Brittle Thread”: Joseph Smith’s Prophecy and Our Responsibility
D. Michael Stewart wrote in the Ensign, “documents show that Joseph Smith [prophesied] a number of times that the United States and the Constitution would be imperiled and [would be saved]. The first known record of the prophecy dates to July 19, 1840, in Nauvoo, when the prophet [taught], ‘[W]hen the Constitution is on the brink of ruin this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction.’”
The Battle Over Human Rights
If someone were to ask you to provide a definition of the term “Human Right,” what would be your response? It’s a question that continues to be debated internationally and domestically as politics, advocacy, and culture attempt to interject their favored position into the dialogue on Human Rights.
A House Divided Cannot Stand
I worked as an officer in California's penal system for 27 years. The understanding was always had that the inmates had the ability at any time to take over the prisons, if they did one thing: unified. The administration secretly encouraged division in order to maintain their tenuous control and to keep the inmates believing they were powerless to effect change. We are seeing a similar situation in society now.
New Book Explores How Modern Culture’s Attack on Marriage Affects Our Children’s Future
The push to unwind traditional social scripts around marriage, fidelity, commitment, and procreation hasn’t just been a question of individual fulfillment, but also has had widespread social consequences.
Getting Past the “That’s political–we can’t talk about it!” Syndrome
It happens in wards and branches all over the world. A member will begin to talk about some doctrine in The Family: A Proclamation to the World, and a fellow member will shut them down with “Oh, that’s political. We can’t talk about it!” Each time I hear that, I say, “Well! Hasn’t Satan been effective?! All he had to do was attach the word “political” to that doctrine, and he has effectively silenced the members of Christ’s church!”