For most men, divorce means not only the loss of a companion, but also the loss of daily contact with his children. If you are in this situation, you know the rage that sometimes burns inside a person who is told in so many ways by society, by the woman he once loved, by the legal system and, regrettably, even by our Latter-day Saint culture, that he is not important to his children except as a source of money.
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Your Hardest Family Question: Should I tell my son-in-law to stop yelling at his kids?
We have a wonderful son-in-law that we love very much. Our concern is that he yells at his children, not in just a loud voice but in a THUNDERING voice that even scares my husband and me.
Are You Prepared For an Auto Accident?
Emergencies don’t always come in the form we expect, but sometimes they come in ordinary ways to remind us that our goal is actually not to have every conceivable remedy in the trunk of our car, but to possess some specific knowledge and the confidence that comes from a spirit of self-reliance.
Lost it All? How to Rebuild Financial Stability After Divorce
“When you have the strength and determination to face the facts, you can achieve anything. It's when we run and hide that we dig ourselves holes that can be excruciating to climb out of.” Unfortunately, many divorcees (including me) run and hide from the financial problems that have led to or resulted from their divorces.
Explore Upcoming RootsTech Classes and Build Your Schedule
RootsTech, by FamilySearch, is the family discovery event of the year, with many classes to help you uncover your family story. Check out what’s available starting March 6 in these curated class lists.
Los Chicaneros, Ysabelle Cuevas and Marco Lui to Keynote RootsTech 2025
RootsTech by FamilySearch has announced three more keynote speakers for its March 6-8, 2025, event.
Your Hardest Family Question: How do I address my daughter’s overeating?
I’ve got an 11 year-old daughter who struggles with overeating. I have no idea what to say to her to help her, as my mother and grandmother criticized me when I was about her age for eating too much food and gaining weight. My daughter is gaining lots of weight and I’m worried about her health, her self-image, and how all of this will affect her in the future.