Nicholeen Peck is a popular author and public speaker around the world who most often addresses the subjects of parenting and education. Her parenting methods clam tantrum toddlers to tough teens while creating a family structure which invites the spirit of love and good communication. The BBC highlighted her parenting practices in 2009 on “The World’s Strictest Parents” program.
Author of 11 books including, “Parenting A House United”
The Books and Courses:
The BBC show:
Podcast: ni*******@te********************.com
As parents, we often feel the pressure to be perfect…
Why are the teen years so hard for parents and…
Sometimes Christmas day brings unexpected challenges and tears. However, those…
Gratitude, though often seen as a fleeting feeling, is a…
Four years ago, I wrote an article about having calmness…
Even though every person craves their comforts, the pathways to…
In 2009 our family was featured on a BBC documentary…
It is a heart-breaking and growing trend that children are…
With social and political upheaval happening around the globe, parents…
This year at the Commission on the Status of Women…
Discerning between when a child should be corrected and when…
Many parents of children, teens and young adults are feeling…
Holiday traditions, whether good or bad, lay a foundation for…
In the Bible we are told that the Lord loves…
Ironically, in an age when business communications and social networking…
Children sometimes say, “I wish my parents would stop getting…
Often, people falsely believe that true freedom is a product…
We’ve all been there. Something inappropriate is seen or heard…
Self-government is a principle of freedom that most people work…
Self-government, one of the key principles of individual and societal…
Honoring self-evident family roles promotes increased family identity, a functional…
What to do when little children ask “Why?” about everything.
For years, I’ve sat in committee meetings and witnessed presentations…
“It’s harder for children nowadays with all of the technology…
Sometimes it’s nice to find out that something we’re doing…
Choosing kindness strengthens relationships, increases resilience and promotes emotional non-fragility,…
Practicing good relationships this Christmas could lead to a changed…
During this time of social and ideological confusion, it’s vital…
Families are concerned about their children who are struggling with…
An exasperated mother said to me, “My teenager doesn’t like…
Are parents and children suffering from a lack of understanding…
Some people seem to be naturally patient, while others seem…
With the economy declining and prices of everything on the…
Many children and parents have been convinced that “feeling safe”…
There isn’t a benefit to tearing ourselves down because of…
When we deliberately search for teaching from our parents, no…
When disappointments or setbacks come, emotional responses can increase, making…
It sometimes seems like teens don’t want to listen to…
While taking risks and being a little bit rebellious here…
Ultimately, parent actions become the greatest lessons to children. There’s…
Marie was being spotlighted for her preschool class and needed…
Families preserve generational learning. This vital learning arms young people…
Christmas stories are the best! They really have a way…
The best environment for social emotional learning will always be…
We can’t afford to serve two masters anymore because our…
Authentic grandparents who actively engage with their children and grandchildren…
Whoever teaches your child discernment, whether it is you, the…
It’s always hard when we see our children mistreated by…
Raising daughters who embrace their full womanhood and nurturing power…
In a time when people are literally obsessed with the…
This curriculum for parents is basic but deep, and it’s…
Having a laugh with a person creates a memory that…
Who is teaching our children about relationships, discrimination, equality, and…
In a time when emotional awareness seems to be at…
“I don’t have the time to catch every little thing…
It’s easy to see how some voices mislead and hurt…
Even though there seems to be more self-absorbed people around…
Relationships require selfless service to survive. Although there are multiple…
A mother, Julie, recently asked, “Nicholeen, I have four children…
Due to my parenting courses, many parents ask me for…
During these times of uncertainty, we must not entertain thoughts…
The political climate is pretty hot right now! Threats, scandals,…
It’s never too late to learn to control yourself and…
More than ever before our children need the message that…
Have you ever completely lost control of yourself and you…
There are more sources for comedy than ever before with…
“I will do something to stop this!” I thought, as…
True discernment means knowing something is true, both in your…
Now more than ever, we need to deliberately define who…
When teaching and training children, many parents don’t often think…
What if there was a special place for errors in…
A mother recently asked me how to help her daughter…
This new global quarantine has turned every home into a…
Since the majority of the world is now keeping themselves…
Despite what is happening outside the walls of our homes,…
Strong family relationships are built upon many components, such as…
Much emotional agony is avoided and more relationship healing is…
The success of any difficult situation always depends on the…
Some might think that optimistic people are fake or somehow…
Family traditions instill personal and family identity and bind families…
Just a decade ago, people respected differing views as part…
How can we help young people find joy, and not…
This mother knew her child needed rules and skills, which…
Are we holding our children back? In the past 80-100…
I think my parents and my family were blessed for…
Perfection in parenting is nearly impossible to measure. God, the…
“I hate that I’ve been mean to my children before,”…
Freedom in the family is the key to raising children…
Today, many teens are feeling increasingly more inadequate to attempt…
“Go long Porter!” said Dad to his 15-year-old son as…
When I first decided to leave my high-paying career to…
I once received a letter from a mom asking how…
In an ideal world, children would dutifully do their chores…
The multiculturalism of modern society, or desire to promote all…
We all communicate things with our actions before we've even…
Many parents of teen- or pre-teen-aged youth are confused about…
In his book, "The Power of Positive Thinking", Norman Vincent…
“Is it okay for children to correct their parents?” I…
Parents regularly share concerns with me about the direction society…
Even though the mistakes our children make are glaring us…
It’s all too common in many modern households to hear…
This Thanksgiving Day is dedicated to feeling and expressing gratitude…
A mother of a teenaged son who struggles with intense…
Behind the safety net of yellow signs, for the past…
A righteous parent, king or judge desires in their heart…
Janae and Trisha both have a 12-year-old son who has…
Today’s children are caught in the middle of multiple moral…
Some parents are intentional about how they correct their children,…
What can parents do on vacation to keep their children…
Sacrifice is vital for happiness. Most people think the word…
Many parents are forgetting to treasure their children in all…
Emotions are the number one reason why parents and children…
Powerful leaders foster unity amid the contentiousness and selfishness of…
Perhaps it’s unfashionable to speak ill of anger in a…
My parents drove us to national parks and amusement parks…
Why do so many parents not see that pre-planning is…
Here are a few simple, effective ways grandparents can help…
Reaching a child’s heart is vital for awakening his conscience…
In a world full of sexual depravity, diverse addictions, familial…
There is an international parent/child bonding problem. The world has…
While looking for a school to send their daughter to,…
A mother writes her children as they are about to…
Is our current educational plan adequate for the future our…
The best time to learn to accept “No” answers is…
Is a change in pattern the same as a phase?…
Modern times have brought with them complexity to parenting that…
For years I’ve heard adults complain about how disrespectful teenagers…
The role of fatherhood seems to have been under attack…
What can we do to get more things done and…
The conversations we have with our children, the things we…
What role do siblings play in each other’s lives? Are…
How are children faring during this ideological war? What is…
The other day I was attending a very heated legislative…
Recently a woman who was asking for my advice said,…
Those born approximately 1982-2004 are often referred to as Millennials.…
No matter how many different types of resolutions we choose…
“Look what I got for Christmas,” said my friend Megan…
Relationships make or break the holidays. For some, holiday family…
In the United States we have a new president. Some…
The first cellular phone became available to the public in…
As my Halloween treat to you I would like to…
In modern times parents struggle to put family first as…
Sometimes, no matter how diligently parents try to teach their…
It’s difficult to know what other people are processing about…
Parents painstakingly teach morals, principles, values and good judgment to…
No one wants to let their child down. Most parents…
In these modern times, children’s lives are full of busy…
In a world that is becoming more and more divided…
When children are small and active, life can get overwhelming…
There are many children who profess to hate work and…
Despite the small size of the LDS church in this…
Youth are becoming more and more disconnected from family and…
Tuesday, April 19, 2016 in the historic Gold Room in…
During this current legislative session I can’t help but be…
There are a variety of reasons children will say, “I…
“Mom, I really wanted to help this mother at the…
Thinking just one mean thought about my husband sent ripple…
As I observed the young boys standing on the blocks…
No matter where your children go to school or what…
“If you get it out, put it away. If you…
Who doesn’t want to have a great, friendly relationship with…
When I was growing up, I remember constantly hearing my…
“Oh, I don’t believe in correcting children,” she said as…
“Urgh!” my husband exclaimed, as he dropped on the leather…
Preparing children for college requires more than helping them get…
Salt Lake City will welcome heads of organizations, parliamentarians, and…
Calling the type of parenting where parents let children walk…
Question: “How do you help children respond appropriately to unkind…
In recent years there have been many news stories and…
Children are very dependent upon the atmosphere that surrounds them…
Can children become addicted to screens? I hope there is…
Sometimes wonderful moments of instruction are missed because parents are…
Whenever we focus more upon becoming who we are meant…
From the Israelites to the Nephites, and from the Anglo-Saxons…
Could the "cure of the common cold-hearted world" be as…
Each day, after we say our family prayers and read…
It is easy to see that certain people are born…
Everyone wants to know: How do I help my children…
With an attitude problem Paije began to describe the mess…
"What do I do about my child? She will not…
Father's are essential to the upbringing of emotionally healthy children.…
Recently, I came across a quote that said that the…
I have heard some pretty creative and ridiculous things from…
Learning to shoot a gun or learning to cook gourmet…
Whether mothers use their power to create good, moral children…
"Nicholeen, my children all seem to have a lack of…
It is no secret that boundaries are being crossed and…
With the onslaught of attention being paid to our children,…
For years, when teaching parents about setting up a family…
For years, when teaching parents about setting up a family…
"Master your mother tongue and you will make a mark…
At this time of introspection about improving our lives, we…
Is telling children about lumps of coal being delivered okay?…
My child is disruptive and sometimes destructive for attention. How…
Yelling can be used for connecting or disconnecting, but it…
Encountering the missionary spirit in the United Kingdom.
If a person is able to self-govern, then that person…
Pre-teaching is one of the easiest things a parent can…
I struggle every day getting my children out the door…
Staying calm when it is easier to rage is an…
"Bless us that we will learn alot," the twelve-year-old said.
Why would a parent hate the sound of their own…
Summer time doesn't have to rattled with chaos, boredom and…
Being dubbed on BBC television of the "World's Strictest Parent"…
Is there a more selfless person than a mother? From…
Deliberate is one of my favorite words. It means living…
Since our view of happiness can differ from those around…
These 5 steps to physical self-government and spiritual self-government are…
Everyone is selling something. Each person you meet is selling…
Parents and children look forward to bedtime, but often for…
Society created a lie that many mothers believe. The lie…
This week one of our teenage children, together with her…
Math is stressful! Some people get anxiety when they do…
As you take time to analyze who God intended you…
Dealing with conflict is tough! Some days it seems like…
Individuals who understand the power of tone inspire others just…
"But, what do you do when they are screaming, and…
Raising children is a lot like gardening. We plant little…
Were there dangers for children back in the old days?…
The SODA technique is just one of the tools I…
If you can teach yourself to enjoy correcting the children…
Have you ever been driving with someone, a spouse let's…
What parents sometimes don't remember is that praising children encourages…
What do you do when there is always too much…
When parents meet together regularly to discuss how to help…
When I was pregnant I would sit in church, see…
Tips for parents on how to built healthy self esteem…
Justice or mercy? When your child gets frustrated hits his…
Effective parenting comes from learning how to correct children in…
Emerson said, "For every one minute you are angry you…
It's a surprising ornament, but a meaningful one.
Here's a Thanksgiving tradition that may help the family remember…
Some people close to us can be very tough to…
Is Halloween a celebration of darkness or a fun family…
Cell phones are being used as purveyors of pornography by…
After a relaxing break, it's time to get the family…
One writer said, "The people may seem to be highly…
Years ago I was foster parenting really difficult children and…
It is very fitting that in United States history, liberty…
Children usually tell you exactly what they don't need by…
Putting too much importance in things builds up the anxiety…
Children are finding their friends, their moral advice, and relationship…
These ten activities for Family Home Evening will help unite…
General Conference was full of inspired counsel for parents. Here's…
It is impossible to go through life without experiencing that…
Here are seven tips for talking to a child who…
Can you praise a child too much?
A tradition that may help bring Christ to the center…
Everyone needs to feel safe and understood in a relationship.…
A family that is growing needs personal attention, opportunities to…
Last summer my son would not get into a swimming…
Calmness is not something that happens, but something you choose.
In the clamor of parenting, one of the most important…
A vital principle for teaching children is make sure the…
Teenagers decide they'd rather be without rules, until an impassioned…
It is in the small moments where you can teach…