Diana Webb was born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah. She graduated magna cum laude from the University of Utah in 1972 with a degree in English Education. She got a job teaching school at John F. Kennedy Junior High and continued teaching there for two years, until she accepted a call to the Hong Kong Mission where she served from 1973-1974, learning to speak Cantonese. After returning home, she taught school again at Northwest Intermediate School. She kept up the missionary spirit by serving two stake missions, one in her home stake, and one in the Chinese Branch in downtown Salt Lake.
She met and married Randy Webb while he was in dental school in San Francisco. They were married in the Salt Lake Temple and have three children and nine grandchildren.
In 1993, Diana became a coed again at age 43, pursuing her masters degree at BYU in Ancient Near Eastern Studies. She finished her degree in one year, writing her thesis on, “A Portrayal of the Matriarchs in the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha.” She currently teaches at LDS Business College.
Besides teaching and her family, Diana also enjoys watercolor painting. She also enjoys scrapbooking, reading, sewing, going to plays, shopping, genealogy, and family history. In 2008, she finished a 366-page family history of her Barton ancestors, which took her three years to complete. She has also written and illustrated a children’s book about one of her ancestors.
After two days of rich spiritual experiences, the resurrected Christ…
How does one prepare for war? There are the obvious…
In this week’s readings, we will cover almost three hundred…
Nephi mourned because of the destruction of his descendants which…
We might do well to consider the “small means” that…
One reason that the book of Hebrews was written was…
Even though this is a relatively short letter, Paul covers…
As the number of disciples grew, the Twelve chose and…
The most important events of eternity often pass without much…
Our hearts are stirred at Easter time as we realize…
The contrast between the old law and the new law…
John’s own life was profoundly changed when he met the…
Some people find it hard to believe that the story…
Abraham’s posterity were called to be a blessing to “all…
Jeremiah is commanded to write the words of the Lord…
In chapter 40, Isaiah gives a message of comfort and…
The book of Psalms is a collection of ancient prayers…
The book of Esther is a great place to see…
Like righteous Abraham, Elijah’s faith was strong despite living in…
Although Joshua’s generation remained faithful to the Lord, the following…
As miraculous and important as leaving Egypt was, it did…
Notice that the first command in the miracle at the…
The last half of Genesis deals with why bad things…
God’s covenant with Abraham promised wonderful blessings: an inheritance of…
On my mission in Hong Kong, when we rode the…
When I heard President Gordon B. Hinckley read the Proclamation…
Less than two years after the Church had been organized,…
This is somebody crying in the depths of his heart…
As we have studied the Restoration, it has become apparent…
Doctrine and Covenants 93 teaches that “truth is knowledge of…
The restoration of priesthood power in 1829 had greatly blessed…
In the first sentence of his history, Joseph Smith wrote…
Scattered throughout these revelations to early missionaries are reassurances that…
As Parley P. Pratt, Oliver Cowdery, Ziba Peterson, and Peter…
The Book of Mormon had been published. This was the…
In the early period after the Church was organized, the…
When the angel Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith in September…
President Benson called the Book of Mormon the “keystone” of…
Moroni 10 is perhaps best known for “Moroni’s Promise” in…
What lessons might we learn as we read about the…
After two days of rich spiritual experiences, the resurrected Christ…
In Helaman 14:2, Samuel the Lamanite prophesied, “Five years more…
The book of Helaman begins with “a serious difficulty among…
How does one prepare for war? There are the obvious…
President Ezra Taft Benson declared, “The Book of Mormon was…
As the sons of Mosiah left on their missions, their…
In today’s chapters we are introduced to King Noah’s son…
In this week’s readings, we will cover almost three hundred…
Nephi mourned because of the destruction of his descendants which…
As we begin our study of the Book of Mormon…
My teacher never knew that what he said brought me…
The epistles of 2-3 John deal specifically with topic of…
When I was younger, I was taught the difference between…
Before we begin this week’s study of the first six…
The world’s views on marriage differ greatly from eternal truth.…
The authors of the New Testament gospels had to choose…
A common error made by readers of the New Testament…
Soon after Adam’s creation, he is given stewardship over the…
Although the Bible strongly validates the role of women as…
Although the Bible strongly validates the role of women as…