Craig R. Frogley, DC is married to Janet and they are the parents of 8 children and 21 grandchildren. He is currently retired from 35 years with the Church’s institute program, BYU continuing education, and private practice as a chiropractic physician. His past positions include four years in the Church Office Building in S&I computer management and two years teaching neurophysiology at the Palmer Chiropractic College. Past and current positions and honors include:
Graduated Summa Cum Laude Palmer Chiropractic College,
Past President: Pi Tau Delta – National Scholastic Honorary fraternity.
Listed in Who’s Who in America in Media and Communications 1998
Board of Trustees for the Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith Foundation
Board of Trustees for the Foundation for the Advancement of Religion
Craig and Janet have served several missions; 1) to The African Congo where they were privileged to be part of opening the country of Burundi to the gospel blessings, and 2) two years teaching on the BYUH religion faculty, and PreMTC training for the campus. 3) Serving at the Utah State Prison in a bishopric, including teaching missionary discussions and an institute class. 4) Craig and Janet have accepted a call to serve for 18 months in the Temple Visitor’s Center in Paris France beginning in March.
They recently moved from Draper, Utah and currently reside in Ivins, Utah.
I knew that these values would solve both long-term and…
“Each of us has a personal lens through which we…
The bridge that God uses to help us catch values,…
The first principles and ordinances of the gospel are the…
Two things enable the skills necessary to know how to…
I have noticed that the Lord uses different atonement metaphors,…
There is much detail written and spoken about the Fall…
What if we once again applied chiasmus thinking to Doctrine…
What if joy were a scriptural word that described the…
Many struggle with health consequences, all the while maintaining a…
Do we sense a crescendo as we read this section…
As the second longest section in the Doctrine and Covenants…
We weekly memorialize the sacrifice of our beloved Savior, but…
Many years ago, while working in the Church Office Building,…
Between COVID and politics, these last months have been at…
As Moroni is finishing this vital record for perhaps the…
To some, the “take-over” of Christmas by commercial interests and…
One author has identified three things common to our search…
With the increase in computing power and introduction of both…
If there is absolute truth, what difference would it make?
Recently a well-informed investigator and friend to the Church asked…
This sounds like a COVID-19 warning, of a coming season’s…
If resurrected beings can do earthly ordinances then why all…
What does President Nelson see that we cannot? I don’t…
As we watched the world turn-over in face of the…
“I have tried for five months now to feel real…
In teaching the ancient temple model to some members last…
We each have such varied experiences that Elder Maxwell called…
The parable is well known from Luke’s account. However, let…
I had always assumed that the Nicene creed was the…
Do the ideas of God’s wrath and His infinite and…
The traditional God of the Great Lakes people in Burundi…
“The truth is, those who diligently seek to learn of…
Elder Boyd K. Packer positioned the law of chastity as…
A few years ago, a sister in Canada was getting…
Do I have a divine mortal mission? With a blessing…
In this article, we examine the question of lineage; why…
In response to last week’s article on “Why the Church…
A sweet older couple came into the temple visitor’s center…
Last Week a young woman came into the Visitor's Center.…
The family of six was active, curious, and anxious for…
Of all the Easter symbols, why is the cross the…
Luke 10 begins with the Savior calling the 70 and…
If we focus on the wrong aspect of broken things,…
We have been counseled to study the Atonement of Jesus…
We all may harbor a secret desire to have God…
The surest antidote for doubt, while exercising faith, is more…
Nephi recognized that we all have the invitation to follow…
The Lord says he will remember our sins no more,…
If you struggle with feelings of inadequacy, you are not…
Symbols, parables, allegories, types and all other kinds of metaphor…
When Moroni spoke during his first night with the young…
Since God wants us to be happy and healthy and…
Mormon must have felt there was some importance in including…
Throughout the ages, men have attempted to change the world…
Modern parlance says, “knowledge is power” but the means of…
Much has been written on this triad, but Moroni made…
It was President Kimball that so succinctly identified The Savior’s…
They were losing until in the last few seconds of…
The plan simply stated says, “Man is that he might…
Midst a tumultuous time in the Prophet Joseph’s history, sandwiched…
After Alma so powerfully instructs us in the empirical process…
I write this, not only to elaborate on one of…
Increasing our faith in the midst of deep discouragement seems…
“Your mission, if you choose to accept it…. This tape…
We have driven industries to provide solutions to our pains,…
The enemy of family cohesion will be conflict arising both…
In a day of increasing DIY, mixed with news of…
Our treasures may differ as one man’s treasure is another’s…
The Joseph and Lucy Smith family history is rich with…
One may hold a priesthood office, or perform a delegated,…
Competent scientists continually test the validity of every discovery, while…
It isn’t the presence of difficult questions that cause alarm,…
Together, we again experienced raising our arms to the square…
As the group of inmates assembled in the “institute room”…
Family reunions are part of the gathering process and serve…
How can families turn reunions into "get to" and not…