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The following was written by Aleah Ingram for LDS Daily. To read the full article, click here.
The practice of fasting has been a commandment throughout ancient and modern history. Scriptural accounts of fasting abound and prophets today continue to teach this important principle of abstaining from food and sacrificing physical needs and comfort to draw near to the Lord and to serve.
However, fasting would likely not be described by anyone as easy and there are many Latter-day Saints who really struggle to fast each Fast Sunday. No matter what the reason, here are six things to try if fasting seems either impossible or miserable for you.
Study the Doctrine
President Boyd K. Packer once said, “True doctrine, understood, changes attitude and behavior.”
It is likely you know what fasting is and how it is done. You probably know the promised blessings. However, internalizing doctrine requires us to ask hard questions about our relationship with Christ. It also requires us to push against the natural man and that battle can be intense sometimes.
Consistently studying the doctrine of fasting and trying to understand how it affects your relationship with Jesus Christ will help you understand the doctrine. According to President Packer, your attitude and behavior will then change more readily.
Study scriptures on fasting and read the words of modern-day prophets. Talk with friends and family about how fasting has impacted their lives. Take this knowledge to the Lord and apply it to you and your journey towards Christ.
Start Off Small
To read the full article on LDS Daily, click here.