The following is excerpted from the Church News. To read the full article, CLICK HERE.

Young Women General President Bonnie H. Cordon recently discovered a personal connection to the construction of the Salt Lake Temple. 

One of the 400 coins excavated from the time capsule in the temple’s capstone is inscribed with the name of 17-year-old Alice Hillam, her grandfather’s first cousin. Alice’s family attended the Salt Lake 10th Ward and likely lived near 400 South. 

“Alice Hillam wanted to be part of history and contribute to the temple time capsule. She sought to be in holy places,” President Cordon told the Church News. “I can learn much from Alice. Are my simple offerings found in holy places? Do I seek for ways to be a part of building the kingdom of God? Am I focused on eternity?”

The Salt Lake Temple has “always been dear” to President Cordon. Her parents were sealed in that temple, and she fulfilled her lifelong dream of being sealed there. Finding a deeper connection to the temple through Alice has made the temple even more special, she said.

“Her example, symbolized by her coin, has strengthened me,” President Cordon said. “I am sure she never thought a family member, generations later, would hold her coin or that people all over the world would know about her simple offering.”

To read the full article, CLICK HERE.